Friday, May 2, 2008

Poison Ivy and A Few Pics

So Brett managed to get himself into poison ivy somehow, and it is eating him alive! I had to take him to the doctor today because it is so bad, and he got a shot in his "booty" and liquid steriods for 5 days. Love his heart! It just keeps popping up more and more! His ear is covered, the whole side of his face, his chest, his belly, his wee~wee. Poor lil guy.

Here are a few pics of John and I and my friend Necia from Saturday night. Enjoy! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Picture This said...

yikes, poison ivy...hate the stuff! I currently have a small patch on my wrist....and it is driving me nuts!!!! Poor guy, hope it heals quick.

Nice photos too.

Carolyn said...

Oh Valeri it was so nice of you to stop by my blog. I just seen your comment.

So sorry to hear about the poison ivy, oh not nice! Poor little guy, hopefully he is getting some kind of relief now, and it will go away quickly.

Now who is this John? I see you said Best Friend, but how best friend is he? Just curious, he's a little hottie. (oh did I say that, hee hee)